Showing posts with label spiritual health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual health. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 25th, 2019: Journal Entry

June 25th, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

6/25/19: ✅

Amazing day today! It was the first day of summer quarter, which I’m not particularly excited; however, I’m only taking 1 class and it’s also forcing me to wake up early. So, I’m choosing to look on the bright side.

Also, I’ve been hitting PRs all around. I did yoga today at Lake Padden and finally got the forehead stand from downward dog and even HELD it for 5~ seconds. It felt amazing to finally do this. There’s still always more work and progress to be done, but it sure feels good to SEE and FEEL progress. 🧘🏼‍♂️

Today’s practice was anything but “normal.” The entire practice was just over 20 minutes :) I played around a lot more and improvised. I normally have some sort of idea of what I want to do prior to practicing, but today was total intuition. It felt really good.

I also ran 2.6 miles at an 8:31 pace directly afterward. I’ve been stuck at a 9~ min / mile pace for some time and somehow cracked that.

The yoga session today was recorded in another time-lapse format. I did, however, slow it down 50% from yesterday’s. It’s currently uploading to YouTube so we’ll see if it’s choppy or not once it’s done uploading. I’ll post a section of the video if it turns out well on IG, but feel free to check it out if anyone is interested.

#goprohero7black📷 #timelapsevideos #timelapseyoga #yogatimelapse #yogaprogressjourney #myyogaprogress #yogapicture #mentalhealthblog #mentalhealthmatters #yogatherapy #physicalandmentalhealth #healthybodyandmind #yogavlog #yogabloggers #yogaoutdoors #yogamen #fitnessbloggers #menwhobullet #bulletjournaltracker #bulletjournalist #bulletjournaldailylog #mentalphysicalspiritualhealth #mentalhealthproblems

With love,


Sunday, June 23, 2019

June 23rd, 2019: Journal Entry

June 23rd, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

A minute clip from my 25 minute vinyasa yoga practice tonight. Ive been doing pretty good with my mobility, physical therapy, and yoga lately and I’m happy about that.
Before, if I took just one day off from stretching, I could feel the tension held in my body. On the contrary, yesterday I didn’t do anything besides working out and today my body still felt alright. My goal was still to practice yoga today because I know if I take multiple days off, my progress declines drastically.
I didn’t have many extraordinary goals today. I went out all the way down to Seattle to celebrate my gfs friends 23rd birthday, so today I slept in and thankfully had the entire day off. My main goals were to eat well, clean and do laundry, call my grandparents, meditate, practice yoga, and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
While these goals may sound minuscule to most, it takes a lot of mental willpower to get them done, as they are the foundation for my mental and physical wellbeing. Accomplishing goals like those sets a mental groundwork and allows for me to focus on other necessary tasks, responsibilities, and chores that would not be possible if i didn’t first focus on MY OWN wellness. 😌 -
This was recorded in time-lapse video with a .5 second capture interval on my GoPro Hero 7 Black. (for anyone interested, the entire video will be uploaded to my YouTube with the link found in my bio).

With love,


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 18th, 2019: Journal Entry

June 18th, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

A still from my home yoga practice video from Saturday, 6/15/19 is up on YouTube. I had a lot of fun doing this as I was also hanging out at my parents house,
This was a 25 minute vinyasa flow, really just focusing on what body parts needed the most attention. I'm still in the process of kneehabbing so I tend to incorporate a lot of psoas and quad stretches. I also find with all the sitting I do some days on top of just being tight overall, my psoas tightens the hell up.
its the only muscle connecting your lower half to your torso, specifically your femur to your lumbar spine. A lot of tension can build in this area, arising from a multitude of factors.
I FIRMLY believe that your mental health directly correlates with your physical health: the more stressed or depressed you are, the tighter your body tends to be. You might develop stress knots which constrict your range of motion and pattern of movement.
Being in a constant state of fear and anxiety also causes you to slouch as your posture mirrors your emotions (depressed = depressed stance). Some examples are: Shoulders rounded, forward head position, anterior or posterior pelvic tilt. Over time, these poor postures combined with stress and anxiety wreaks havoc on your musculoskeletal system and it may take YEARS to feel somewhat pain free. Ive been working hard on stretching, mobility, taking care of my body, posture, and overall mechanics for years and I’m still far from feeling “healthy.”
Anyway, I’m done rambling, you can watch the video from the link in my bio! :) .
#psoas #psoasrelease #tightmuscles#stretchyourbody #tensionrelease#triggerpointtherapy #yogaforpain#homeyogastudio#homeyogapractice#mentalhealthblog#mentalhealthmatters #yogaprogress#yogatherapy#physicalandmentalhealth#healthybodyandmind #yogavlog#yogabloggers #yogamen#fitnessbloggers #menwhobullet#bulletjournaltracker #bulletjournalist#bulletjournaldailylog#mentalphysicalspiritualhealth#mentalhealthproblems#depressionisreal

With love,


Monday, June 17, 2019

June 17th, 2019: Journal Entry

June 17th, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

From this post

Awesome trail run / hike today!! Total distance was a little over 4 miles at roughly 16 mins per mile. I ran most of it, but this particular trail was RUGGED and there was a ton of steep inclines, rocks, and roots.

I went out to the Chuckanuts located in Bellingham, Wa and found another trail entrance to the north side of Lost Lake Trail and decided to take that. There’s nothing more enticing than finding a route less taken in my opinion, and that’s why I love hiking and where I live in general. There’s SO many choices to hike.

I came to a different sort of mindset realization as I began my hike. Lately, or most of my life, I’ve been struggling with my mindset for going about my life, more specifically, wanting to WANT to do things because they are good for me. This often comes with a sort of cognitive dissonance, and I frequently end up NOT doing these things because I want to subconsciously not do what’s good for me.

Today, while I was running I thought to myself, “why am I doing this?” This is somewhat similar to @davidgoggins, who often asked himself similar questions while going through pain and suffering. This doesn’t necessarily apply because I wasn’t struggling per say, but I first responded with, “because it’s good for me.” Almost immediately after I answered, “I’m doing this because I ENJOY it.”

This is an incredible shift in mindset for me because I realized that I don’t just do things because they’re “good for me,” but rather that I enjoy doing them.

It’s a tough dialogue to unpack in detail, but I think this might help others who end up procrastinating responsibilities because they just think it’s good for them. That makes it seem like a chore, a punishment of sorts. Making decisions because you actually enjoy them will seem a whole lot easier and fulfilling this way. I genuinely enjoyed my run, and I want to make decisions for the rest of my life this way.

#goprohero7 #goprohiking#goprorunning #chuckanuts#bellinghamexperience#mentalhealthblog#mentalhealthmatters#physicalandmentalhealth#healthybodyandmind #yogavlog#yogabloggers #fitnessbloggers#menwhobullet #bulletjournaltracker#bulletjournalist

With love,


Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 6th, 2019: Journal Entry

June 6th, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

From this IG Post: 

Nothing like a quick run after a 12 hour shift. I was/am exhausted, just wanted to lay down and sleep; however, I have some homework to do and I knew if I didn’t hit a quick workout, not only would I feel even worse and unproductive, I would not have had the mental capacity for studying.

I *diiiid* say I was going to take at least 4 days off from running 🏃due to some injuries being currently rehabbed - patellar tendinitis in the right knee and very mild peroneal tendonitis (tendon crossing lateral malleolus) ALSO in the right ankle, but I figured 1.5 miles ain’t gonna hurt it too bad plus I’m doing this shit for my mental health too.

I got a spark of inspiration the other day for another project in the works: my struggle with chronic tendonosis - including covering topics such as what I did, things I’ve learned, and what is currently working for me, and tips for other people experiencing runners knee.It is truly a bitch having to go through, so much so that it has forced me to COMPLETELY revamp what the meaning of the word “exercise” means to me. Despite it being so minuscule in nature, It has been my greatest physical/mental setback I’ve ever faced; consequently, I have learned so much that I hope I can share with other athletes.

Knee pain has been at an all time low this past week, ranging from a 1/10 inflammation/pain YESTERDAY to a 4/10 at its worst. Even so, a 4/10 for a day or two is so much fucking better than a 6/10 for over a whole year straight.

Bigger update coming soon. A few more days left before Spring Quarter ends. I really don’t feel any relief or excitement because I know this is only the beginning of my journey.

Hope y’all have a good night. Remember to take care of yourselves FIRST

With love,


#runnersknee #runnerskneerecovery #jumpersknee #patellartendonitis#patellartendon #peronealtendonitis #runningmakesmehappy #fitbitversa#fitbitrunners #mentalandphysicalhealth #mentalhealthjournal#endthestigma #yogabloggers #menwhobullet #bulletjournaltracker#bulletjournalist #bulletjournaldailylog #mentalphysicalspiritualhealth#mentalhealthproblems #depressionisreal #mentalhealthblog#mentalhealthmatters #yogaprogress #yogatherapy

Sunday, June 2, 2019

June 2nd, 2019: Journal Entry

June 2nd, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

Clip from my 20 minute yoga session 💗

Over the years I’ve come to learn that every single hour, day, week, month, and phase of your life consists of ups and downs. To put it simply, every single moment differs from the next and these moments strewn together form phases or “seasons” of your life.

Elliot Hulse posted a video a couple years ago (@elliot_hulse) talking about dealing with depression and used this exact season analogy and helped me through some very tough times.

EVERY SINGLE thing in the universe operates in a cyclical fashion in the same way winter turns into spring and consequently begins summer, the end of the night begins a brand new day. This has been and will continue to remain true from now until the end of time.

Moods are no different. When you’re going through a “downer” phase ie: depression, you’re only able to see the negative portions of every moment. It’s almost impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel; consequently, you don’t recognize it for what it is - a season. This phase of your life is destined to change and transform into something else.

this relates to me in this exact moment because last night I had overwhelming anxiety, and on top of that I couldn’t fall asleep until 5am and called in sick for work. I’ve been beating myself up nonstop for my poor sleeping habits this past year & I also feel awful whenever I call in. I got into a negative mindset loop and my brain was telling me: this is just the way it is, this “downer” mood will never end, nothing will get better.

This post is for anyone struggling with accepting the truth that seasons are destined to change & that NOTHING lasts forever. Things are always changing from moment to moment and this phase shall too transform into something better.

On another note, the video of this yoga routine is up on Youtube!

#menwhobullet #bulletjournaltracker#bulletjournalist #bulletjournaldailylog#mentalphysicalspiritualhealth#mentalhealthproblems#depressionisreal #mentalhealthblog#mentalhealthmatters #yogaprogress#yogatherapy#physicalandmentalhealth#healthybodyandmind #yogavlog#yogabloggers #yogaoutdoors#yogamen #fitnessbloggers

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Yoga REVOLUTION: Day 27 - Self Practice

Yoga REVOLUTION: Day 27 - Self Practice.

Full routine:
Today’s (well, yesterday!) intent was Self Practice and being able to be be aware of the area just above the naval and to consciously initiate movement from here. #Chakra wise, the third chakra (#manipura) requires connection in order to be strengthened. For those, like me, thinking on a more physical or physiologic level, it is still important to understand how balance and energy is harnessed from this area, and drawing your breath from just above the naval is essential to connecting to your core and being in control! 
I’m thrilled about how the past 27 days have been and I’m ecstatic about what the future holds 

With love,

#yogarevolution #yogawithadriene #spirituality #spiritual #meditate #meditation #mindfulness #depression #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogi #yogainspiration #mudra #namaste #positiveenergy #anxiety #mindbodyawareness #buddhism #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #mentalphysicalspiritualhealth #fitness #workout #mindfulness #livemindfully #bodybuilder #balance #flexible #love 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Yoga REVOLUTION: Day 24 - Patience

Yoga REVOLUTION: Day 24 - Patience

Originally posted on my normal life Instagram (Baco_bacon). Thought this message was important for friends and others to see.

If you follow my posts, you probably see some relatively deep and personal introspection sprinkled sporadically throughout my page. A lot of you may either not relate to them, not care about them or may even find them straight annoying. If you’re one of those people, feel free to unfollow me because if it’s not what you want, it’s not what I want. Only in the past couple years have I learned to let go of my ego and not allow peoples’ opinions of me get to me. I feel I’ve matured more in the past two years than the rest of my years put together. I’ve cut off a lot of relationships and released unhealthy habits and some addictions that were not serving me. I have learned to appreciate every moment and in turn have learned who I am, who I want to surround myself around, and what characteristics I’m looking for in a partner. I’ve opened my heart to someone I (still) respect deeply and got crushed in return; however, I used it as a tool for growth and it makes it much easier to adapt. I’ve also gotten a lot more tired of people’s shit a lot more quickly so there’s that too hahaha. 

Basically, I’ve changed a lot in the past couple years (not just physically) and the dark times have helped me grow. If you are one of those people who appreciates or relates to these type of posts, feel free to give my other account a look: 3 years ago I never EVER would have allowed anyone to take a peek inside my mind. But I do it now because there are people out there that need to see these posts if they feel alone. Once again, if you find my open reflections annoying or hate them, go press that unfollow button. On that note, everyone have a wonderful day and go enjoy the sunshine. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

With love,


#yogaeverydamnday #dowhatfeelsgood#yogawithadriene #fuckyourego#loveyourself #meditation #reflection#lizardpose #downwarddog#mentalphysicalspiritualhealth#girlswhosquat #mudra #namaste #positiveenergy #anxiety #mindbodyawareness #buddhism #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #spiritualhealth #mentalphysicalspiritualhealth #fitness #workout #mindfulness #livemindfully #bodybuilder #balance #flexible #love