Thursday, June 6, 2019

June 6th, 2019: Journal Entry

June 6th, 2019: Journal Entry (from my Instagram)

From this IG Post: 

Nothing like a quick run after a 12 hour shift. I was/am exhausted, just wanted to lay down and sleep; however, I have some homework to do and I knew if I didn’t hit a quick workout, not only would I feel even worse and unproductive, I would not have had the mental capacity for studying.

I *diiiid* say I was going to take at least 4 days off from running 🏃due to some injuries being currently rehabbed - patellar tendinitis in the right knee and very mild peroneal tendonitis (tendon crossing lateral malleolus) ALSO in the right ankle, but I figured 1.5 miles ain’t gonna hurt it too bad plus I’m doing this shit for my mental health too.

I got a spark of inspiration the other day for another project in the works: my struggle with chronic tendonosis - including covering topics such as what I did, things I’ve learned, and what is currently working for me, and tips for other people experiencing runners knee.It is truly a bitch having to go through, so much so that it has forced me to COMPLETELY revamp what the meaning of the word “exercise” means to me. Despite it being so minuscule in nature, It has been my greatest physical/mental setback I’ve ever faced; consequently, I have learned so much that I hope I can share with other athletes.

Knee pain has been at an all time low this past week, ranging from a 1/10 inflammation/pain YESTERDAY to a 4/10 at its worst. Even so, a 4/10 for a day or two is so much fucking better than a 6/10 for over a whole year straight.

Bigger update coming soon. A few more days left before Spring Quarter ends. I really don’t feel any relief or excitement because I know this is only the beginning of my journey.

Hope y’all have a good night. Remember to take care of yourselves FIRST

With love,


#runnersknee #runnerskneerecovery #jumpersknee #patellartendonitis#patellartendon #peronealtendonitis #runningmakesmehappy #fitbitversa#fitbitrunners #mentalandphysicalhealth #mentalhealthjournal#endthestigma #yogabloggers #menwhobullet #bulletjournaltracker#bulletjournalist #bulletjournaldailylog #mentalphysicalspiritualhealth#mentalhealthproblems #depressionisreal #mentalhealthblog#mentalhealthmatters #yogaprogress #yogatherapy

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