Sunday, March 4, 2018

Post from Instagram

I am copying my first post from my instagram page, MentalPhysicalSpiritualHealth, over to here. This post alone reflects my current state of being and my goals for the future. Hope you are all having a beautiful day (or night!)

Originally posted on my Instagram page,, on January 21, 2018:

I’m not entirely sure how this blog is going to go. I’m not sure if I will inform those who know me in person of this page, but this idea has been something I’ve wanted to create for awhile. At only 22, I have struggled for more years than I would like to say with severe depression, consistent and relentless anxiety, and overall dissatisfaction with who I am am how I portray myself. Over the past few years I have focused on meditation, spirituality, and self-love with an overarching goal of happiness, on the inside and out. I want to radiate positive energy and joy to everyone and everything I come in close proximity with.. While this is only the beginning of my journey and I have a seemingly endless path to follow before the light at the end of the tunnel becomes visible, I desire to reach out and help others struggling live a positive and fulfilled life. 

Khalil Gibran has been one of my favorite poets who has brought me out of some very dark times. I recommend reading “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran if this quote resonates in you. 

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

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