Saturday, March 10, 2018

REVOLUTION - 31 Days of Yoga

Finding peace on the yoga mat...

I’ve been on the yoga mat the past 10 out of 14 days. My inflammation and chronic joint pain is finally (knees especially) at the point where I can be optimistic about recovery. This could be partially due to cutting refined sugar and starting Keto a week ago, which I plan on giving an enormous update on soon!! On a similar note, I finally had an MRI of my left knee done. I'm not expecting much more than a strain, but it will be relieving to hear that the pain is nothing serious.

Since I’ve been motivated and I’m enjoying the practice of yoga so much, I decided to participate in @adrienelouise ‘s 31 Day Yoga Challenge - REVOLUTION
I’ve always been interested in yoga. To me, yoga is not only an act of meditation (which is a tremendous reason for me to be practicing) - I am humbly learning fundamental human characteristics such as how to be patient, how to love and treat myself with kindness, and how to act with a sense of mindfulness. I am learning to warmly acknowledge and lovingly accept the inner chatter that was once seen as destructive and malevolent. With the insurmountable stress of which I am currently engulfed, I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to set aside time every day to deliberately slow down and focus on my breathing, poses, and mindfulness. I can’t explain how powerful these past couple weeks have been for me in terms of growth.
I started a new YouTube channel and posted a quick yoga flow that I think you guys would like!!! I recorded mainly to look at my form and flexibility, however I got in the groove and started flowing 

Everybody take a peep at @adrienelouiseand (check out her YouTube too) and give her a follow!! Adriene is a phenomenal teacher and has certainly helped me cope with some dark emotions these past few weeks. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
With love,
Mental Physical Spiritual Health

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Adapting a New Diet - Transitioning to a Healthier Way of Living

I'm pretty excited to make a drastic change in my diet and hopefully this will help transition towards a far healthier way of living, in every aspect. Right now, the plan is to quit consuming sugar and refined foods. After that, I may go to more extremes. I've been inspired by fitness and improving my physical health since as long as I can remember - probably 12-13 years old. It started as enjoying pushing my body to the extreme in activities such as running, hiking, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and, slowly, over time, my mindset evolved into attempting to find balance in everything. Changing my habits regarding fitness is easy, but what I’ve struggled with most is shifting personality and behavior traits towards something that actually aligns with my goals. I won’t bore whoever has managed to read this far with monotonous details, but TLDR; improving diet is the next step in my life. If anyone else has attempted this or has successfully managed to adapt this approach, feel free to chime in with a word of advice. Going to be a fun time.

It would be much appreciated if you check out and follow my Instagram page!!

With Love,

Mental Physical Spiritual Health

Post from Instagram

I am copying my first post from my instagram page, MentalPhysicalSpiritualHealth, over to here. This post alone reflects my current state of being and my goals for the future. Hope you are all having a beautiful day (or night!)

Originally posted on my Instagram page,, on January 21, 2018:

I’m not entirely sure how this blog is going to go. I’m not sure if I will inform those who know me in person of this page, but this idea has been something I’ve wanted to create for awhile. At only 22, I have struggled for more years than I would like to say with severe depression, consistent and relentless anxiety, and overall dissatisfaction with who I am am how I portray myself. Over the past few years I have focused on meditation, spirituality, and self-love with an overarching goal of happiness, on the inside and out. I want to radiate positive energy and joy to everyone and everything I come in close proximity with.. While this is only the beginning of my journey and I have a seemingly endless path to follow before the light at the end of the tunnel becomes visible, I desire to reach out and help others struggling live a positive and fulfilled life. 

Khalil Gibran has been one of my favorite poets who has brought me out of some very dark times. I recommend reading “The Prophet” by Khalil Gibran if this quote resonates in you. 

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”


Hello, everyone! 

This is my first time blogging, and I'm beyond grateful and utterly fascinated for having the opportunity to freely post my thoughts on the internet. I am not concerned about numbers or how many people read this. If just one person accidentally stumbles upon this blog and are impacted in some way, I will be beyond blessed. This will primarily consist of personal anecdotes and experiences that may appear as jumbled thoughts. Nevertheless, I am overjoyed to be sharing my journey in improving my mental, physical, and spiritual health through continuous growth and change. I aspire to motivate others in pursuit of their goals and, if desired, walk together through this extraordinary, challenging, and beautiful experience known as life.

With love,
Physical Mental Spiritual Health

(Pictures are owned by me - taken on Yosemite trip in September 2017)